If the hotel does not have a restaurant, we will be happy to tell you the best restaurant addresses located near the hotel,
In particular "Le Bistrot à la Mer", a restaurant located 200 meters from the hotel, accessible on foot through our gardens.
You will find below the restaurant recommendations in Argelès, Collioure, Port-Vendres, Banyuls-sur-Mer, Sorède, Saint-André, Palau del Vidre, Perpignan, CéretYou will find below the detail of the snacking menu as well as restaurant recommendations in Argelès, Collioure, Port-Vendres, Banyuls-sur-Mer, Sorède, Saint-André, Palau del Vidre, Perpignan, Céret.
We just offer you "homemade" snacking (salads, bruschetta, charcuterie and cheese boards, hot dishes in jars...) throughout the season, allowing you to make the most of our heated swimming pool and jacuzzi. outside (free access).
You will find below the detail of the snacking menu as well as restaurant recommendations in Argelès, Collioure, Port-Vendres, Banyuls-sur-Mer, Sorède, Saint-André, Palau del Vidre, Perpignan, Céret.
The best restaurants in Collioure
We particularly recommend the restaurants below:
- NEPTUNE: the best view on Collioure
Reservation : 04 68 82 02 27
- CASA LEÓN: Excellent fish restaurant.
Reservation: 06 01 41 42 21
- EL CAPILLO: A young chef installed for 3 years and who quickly conquered his customers
Reservation : 04 68 82 48 23
- LE 5EME PÊCHÉ: refined cuisine by Masashi Lijima
Reservation : 04 68 98 09 76
- LA BALETTE: Magnificent cuisine by Michelin starred chef Laurent Lemal
Reservation : 04 68 82 05 07
- PACO: excellent tapas bar
Reservation : 04 68 82 90 91
- CAN PLA : restaurant serving regional specialities
Reservation : 04 68 82 10 00
- LES JARDINS DE COLLIOURE : restaurant offering fish and meat specialities grilled over an open fire
Réservation : 04 68 95 12 52
- CASA LINGA : market food
Reservation : 04 68 61 93 99
- VAUBAN : French dishes with international accents and vegetarian options
Reservation : 04 68 09 48 87
For all restaurants, we invite you to check the latest reviews on google . Collioure is a tourist place (which explains why there are 70 restaurants) and we would not like you to be disappointed.
The best restaurants in Argelès
We recommend the following restaurants in Argeles-sur-Mer:
- LE BISTROT À LA MER (200 meters from the hotel, accessible through our gardens): the closest restaurant to the hotel. The food is excellent, do not hesitate.
Reservation : 04 68 81 14 73
- LA BARTAVELLE (Argelès village - 10 minutes from the hotel): ranked in the 3 best restaurants of Argelès on tripadvisor for more than 5 years.
Reservation : 06 19 25 70 13
- AUBERGE DU ROUA (Argelès vilage - 20 minutes from the hotel). Hard to find even with a GPS - ask for advice at the reception).
Reservation : 04 68 95 85 85
- LE PETIT REST'EAU (PORT-ARGELÈS - 5 minutes from the hotel): We are not very fan of Port-Argelès which was converted into its current configuration in 1990 and is not really charming ... Nevertheless If you are looking for a good restaurant among the plethoric offer of this marina, we recommend "Le Petit Rest'eau". Reservation : 04 34 10 13 61
- LA TABLE DE VALMY (Argelès - 10 minutes from the hotel). If you want to have lunch, dinner or simply have a drink with the vines in the foreground and the sea in the 2nd, we recommend this place. Among the wines produced by Château Valmy we particularly recommend "Les Roses Blanches de Valmy". Reservation: 04 68 95 95 25
- MENJE ECAILLE - Le Racou - located 5 minutes from the hotel. Racou means "The Recoin" in Catalan. Located between port-agelès and the beginning of the rocky coast, it is an atypical place with its fishing huts and sandy streets. It is also one of the most beautiful beaches on the coast with turquoise waters and rocky bottoms at the foot of the Albères. For lunch / dinner, we recommend the Menje Ecaille, a restaurant "quiet" and friendly. The opinions are contrasted but some of our customers really appreciate the relaxed atmosphere, the original setting, the personality of the manager, the fresh and local products as well as the natural wines. 04 68 81 41 23
The best restaurants outside Collioure and Argelès
We particularly recommend the following restaurants:
- SORÈDE (25 mn from the hotel): LA SALAMANDRE (our favorite)
Reservation : 04 68 89 26 67
- SAINT-ANDRE (20 mn from the hotel): LE JARDIN DES SIMPLES
Reservation : 04 68 89 14 69
- PALAU DEL VIDRE (20 minutes from the hotel): L'ANCIENNE ECOLE
Reservation : 04 68 22 34 09
- PORT VENDRES (20 minutes from the hotel): LA CÔTE VERMEILLE
Reservation : 04 68 82 05 71
- BANYULS-SUR MER (25 mn from the hotel)
LE FANAL: Reservation : 04 68 98 65 88
LA LITTORINE: Reservation : 04 68 88 03 12
- In CÉRET (50 mn from the hotel): L'ATELIER DE FRED.
If you go to Céret (Museum of Modern Art), do not miss this restaurant! 04 68 95 47 41
- In PERPIGNAN (30 mn from the hotel): We recommend the following addresses: LA GALINETTE (1 * Michelin), THE ANTIQUAIRES, LA GARRIANE, LA VILLA DUFLOT